More undercover and skinning work

Well, here we are, still working on undoing a lot of crappy work. Do I regret purchasing this particular trailer. You bet. Am I going to make the same mistake next time? Absolutely not. I’ve learned so much in this process; I just wish the tuition wasn’t so high!

Remember that ceiling fan? I pulled it out, along with a ton of wet lauan from the ceiling around it, what a mess. I slightly enlarged the hole in the roof with a grinder to accommodate a standard vent fan opening (19″ square). We purchased one from Amazon that will hopefully alleviate the need for A/C this summer. And it runs on 12v, so it’s pretty low power (which is always a concern).

There’s still a bit of damp wood in the ceiling, so I’m going to let it dry out a bit more before we think about insulation and ceiling materials.

And that A/C? Yes, that’s gone too. What a crappy job someone did when installing it. Jagged edges, poor sealing around the cutout, insufficient mounting, etc. all of which contributed to the damp and delamination of the thin plywood below this opening. So, I took it and the mounting stuff out, and ripped off a bunch of the plywood from the wall below. We’re gonna let this all dry as well before sealing it all up.

This is what is now looks like from the inside. Empty holes where the fan and A/C were, and walls removed down to the frame and exterior sheathing. There is still some plywood left on that front wall, but it was a pain to remove so I’m just gonna leave it. It’ll get covered up anyhow.

The floor is kind of a mess. It was covered in sheet vinyl, and glued down. The floor wasn’t level to begin with, so they used the vinyl glue to help “level” it, and it was sloppily done. The glue never really hardened – which I suppose is a good thing – but it’s near impossible to scrape off to get a real good level surface. And it’s tacky, and I’m up in the air about what to do with it. Thinking I might just throw down some Liquid Nails and buy 2 sheets of plywood to cover it.

We’re planning on sheet vinyl as well, but I’m gonna do a much better job of that.

Next will be insulation. But we have some decisions to make in the meantime.

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